Bible Verse of the Day: Keeping God First

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Zakiah Threw Down on Her Sweet Peas

I didn't get a picture but recorded Zakiah eating sweet peas baby food for the first time. I just KNEW beforehand that she would NOT like the taste of it.  I tasted it myself before giving it to her and I thought it was HORRIBLE. Clearly, I am not a sweet pea fan. My parents even informed me that I did not eat the stuff unless they dipped something sweet (like pear) at the tip of the spoon with the sweet pea on it. LOL. Tactics parents use! But, I am more of a frozen garden pea fan.  Anyway, how about Zakiah ate a whole jar of the stuff in one sitting!  I am wondering whether she really liked it or if she was really  Either way, she downed it like it was nothing. 

I bought some green bean baby food so I will see how she takes that in a few days.  Feeding her food is so fun!

Oh, tooth number 3 really seems to be on the verge of a breakthrough.  It is looking pretty white underneath the gum where her top front right tooth will soon be. :)

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