Bible Verse of the Day: Keeping God First

Monday, December 14, 2009

There Are SO Many Out There...

..who are NOT as fortunate to cherish the experience of having children.  I was blog hopping and some way, some how found myself on several blogs of mothers reflecting, mourning, grieving over the lost of their precious babies.  I read about how these mothers hurt many days, months, and years after the death of a child and how a part of them left with the departing child. Their stories are so heart carry a child full term and in anticipation of loving a brand new creation just to lose him or her during or soon after birth or in some cases even before the child is born. You would think it's unbearable to go through this once but some unfortunately experience the same pain again.

UGH...I can't EVEN imagine my life without Zakiah yet there are so many who are living what they thought they could never imagine.  After spending an hour reading through so many stories, I stopped to go pick up Zakiah and give her a great big embrace and a long loving kiss on her sweet cheek.  Zakiah didn't have to be here.  When the nurses told me that Zakiah's blood pressure was dropping and that it was time to deliver, 101 million things could have gone wrong in the delivery process. BUT.  BUT GOD gave us HIS grace and mercy to bless my family with Zakiah.  Thank You, Father!

My heart goes out to these women and their families for having to experience such great loses at a time where there should be celebration and joy.  Many times, there are no answers to why such untimely events happen to such sweet, innocent, precious little babies.  But one thing for sure is that they are in the best place anyone can be and that is with the Heavenly Father.

Lets not take for granted what precious gifts children are in this world.  Love them. Cherish them. Raise them in the right direction. Nourish them. Embrace them.

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