Bible Verse of the Day: Keeping God First

“In God is my salvation and my glory: the rock of my strength, and my refuge, is in God.” -Psalm 62:7 Listen to chapter

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Thursday, February 3, 2011

I Heart Target's Dresses

Zakiah spent the past weekend with her second family (close Church friend's house who Zakiah truly sees as her family especially since they have a son and daughter who she loves to play with). I forgot to pack up her Sunday dress so asked my friend if she can find her a nice dress to wear to Church that's anything BUT pink or purple. She said sure, no problem. Well, when I saw Zakiah after Sunday School, she had on this gorgeous white and blue polka dot dress with a hot pink bow. What an awesome combination! Of course it had to come from Target because Target makes some of the CUTEST dresses for little girls. I haven't been there recently to see what is out for little girls, but I know a couple months ago, they had some really pretty winter dresses on sale.

Target never fails even when Zakiah fails to smile for the camera...

Still ignoring me...

Dada's little girl. They were so coordinated Sunday. Love it!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Blowing Away the Dust on This Blog

Man, it is dusty in here...been too long, but guess who is back?! Zakiah! Do you even recognize this 'once ago' little baby? Well, this 19 year old toddler is not so little anymore and is constantly on the GO. We both have been doing WELL and SO much has happened since our last update back in May (yeah, ages ago). Zakiah is in daycare, I am back in school finishing up, and Joshua finally 'put a ring on it'...yep, I'm engaged! :)

I even managed to find time to run a jewelry shop on Etsy:
BE.adifully YOU.nique Handcrafted Beaded Jewelry

I miss blogging so much but time seems to disappear more and more as Zakiah gets older. You can catch me on Twitter, which I absolutely have enjoyed since first joining back in November. Here is my profile page: BEadifullYOUniq

I peeped around some of the other mommy blogs I used to read up on and I canNOT believe how big the 'babies' are! Such a beautiful thing! God is good!

Well, this is just a quick drop in but I hope everyone who reads this is doing well!

Until next time and hopefully not next year (lol)...

Be blessed and Be.You.Always!

We are out...

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Yeah. We Have Been Away Too Long!

Ever since Zakiah has been walking at the March, our lives have definitely not been the same. Walking brings on a whole new set of adventures for Zakiah, challenges for mommy, and even more opportunities for us both to really get out and do things outside the house.

This girl LOVES to walks and run and walk and run. She loves to chase mommy and daddy and loves when we chase her too. She is so full of giggles and laughter when on her own two feet. She keeps me on edge most times.

I miss blogging and I miss my blogger friends. Life has taken over for the moment so I haven't had as much time to keep my blog updated. I have a million things running through my mind and a girl running a million times back and forth from the kitchen pantry to the couch. I have been really focused on taking better care of myself. I am tired of being heavier than I have ever been so ever since April 1st, I have been exercising at least 5 to 6 times a week and went down from 173 to 165 pounds. My goal is to be at least 160 by my birthday next month. My ultimate goal is to get down to 135-140 by the end of this year.

I also got back into grad school to finish my Masters this fall! So I am mentally preparing for my return.

Still looking for employment. Haven't been as consistent with my search like I want to because of things going on but I have been looking and know I will be employed sometime this year because my God is more than able.

I am looking into day care and it is a tedious process. Plus day care is so friggin expensive. Crazy! But once again, my God is more than able.

Ok, there is so much I want to say but I need to go back to sleep. I miss everyone and want to let you know that we are ok! I am still taking pictures and video clips of Zakiah everyday so I am not missing a beat. Even though Zakiah is my baby, she really acts like a toddler to me ever since she started walking. She is joy to watch grow and I am so grateful to be able to spend the first year of her life with her. I might not get this chance again in the future so I am cherishing this experience to the fullest.

Gosh, time to plan for her first birthday next month! Bananas! Home girl will soon be stuffing cake in her mouth AND saying bye to the booby for ever. Bittersweet.

Happy early first Mother's Day to all the first time mommies and happy early Mother's Day to all the seasoned mommies out there! Hope Sunday will be very special to all of us.

I am not making anymore promises when I will update again but hope not to be away for a whole month again.

Take care!

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